
Because I Care, I Wash My Hands

Hand washing and good hygiene show respect and consideration for co-workers, your family and the community. Research shows that child care centers can be significant sources for the spread of illness within a community, even indirectly impacting families who do not have children.

Ideally suited to child care centers, this fun, hands-on curriculum, packed full of songs, activities and experiments, helps even very young children understand why and how hand washing helps keep friends and family healthy.

Building on scientific research conducted at Michigan State University, this five-day curriculum is available for free download of the daily activity lists, child materials, and songs. The curriculum materials, developed by Media Productions at New Mexico State University, also include teacher training videos and free downloadable songs for the classroom.

Image of girl sneezing

Innovative Media Research and Extension
Email: mmedia@nmsu.edu
URL: Innovative Media Research and Extension

© 2011 New Mexico State University Board of Regents 

This material is based on work funded by the National Integrated Food Safety Initiative (NIFSI), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), under Agreement No. 2008-51110-04365; Michigan State University, New Mexico State University, and Kansas State University cooperating.